Welcome to a collection of intriguing riddles! These simple yet thought-provoking puzzles are designed to tickle your brain and challenge your wit. Take a moment to enjoy these fun and clever enigmas as you try to unravel their answers. Let’s dive right in! Riddles have practical uses that are both fun and educational: Encouraging Group… Continue reading Riddles Unveiled: A Journey Through Puzzling Enigmas
Tag: students
Every day, stray dog acts as a crossing guard and protects children crossing the street
In Batumi, Georgia, a stray dog named Kupata is a hard worker. While this is a self-proclaimed job, it is important no matter what. He assists all the schoolchildren in the area to cross the street, as he is the school crossing guard. Kupata has a real weakness for children. That’s why he wants to… Continue reading Every day, stray dog acts as a crossing guard and protects children crossing the street