In early October, a heartwarming yet desperate scene unfolded in a Bronx neighborhood as a street cat was discovered tending to a litter of kittens, urgently in need of assistance. The distressing situation prompted a flood of pleas for help from concerned individuals. Notably, one of the kittens was suffering from a severely infected leg… Continue reading Kittens’ Road to Recovery: A Story of Hope and Healing
Tag: kitten rescue
Tiny Calico Warrior: Lucy’s Story of Survival and Friendship
Earlier this year, a tiny cream calico was rescued through a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project. She was the only survivor of her litter, and her feral cat mom was unable to safely care for her. The kitten was then brought to Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue in Ontario, Canada for a chance at a better life.… Continue reading Tiny Calico Warrior: Lucy’s Story of Survival and Friendship