Inspirational Father-Son Duo: Overcoming Challenges Through Perseverance

They formed an unbreakable father and son duo, proving that regardless of the challenges one faces, hard work and perseverance can conquer them. This dynamic pair has now become renowned as global role models. Hailing from Holland, Massachusetts, Dick Hoyt and his son Rick have completed over 1,000 races, duathlons, and triathlons over the past… Continue reading Inspirational Father-Son Duo: Overcoming Challenges Through Perseverance

Funny: They formed a committee to resolve the gender of a computer

Shortly after computers were invented, the Language Association of Spain met to decide between using “el” or “la”. Unlike English, Spanish and many other languages have masculine and feminine nouns, which determine whether you say “el” for masculine or “la” for feminine. So the committee divided into two groups to each come up with the… Continue reading Funny: They formed a committee to resolve the gender of a computer