In a Canadian forest, a photographer embarked on a quest to capture the elusive great gray owl, only to stumble upon a remarkable display of natural camouflage. James S. Batuigas, a 45-year-old hobby photographer residing in Burnaby, Canada, embarked on a five-hour journey to his beloved wildlife photography spot in a British Columbia forest in… Continue reading Nature’s Hidden Wonders: Photographer Captures Owl’s Incredible Camouflage in Tree
Tag: Canada
A Newfie was riding his Harley along the Trans Canada highway
A Newfie was riding his Harley along the Trans Canada highway just outside of Port aux Basque when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, ‘Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.’ The Newfie pulled over… Continue reading A Newfie was riding his Harley along the Trans Canada highway