Unwanted dog spared from euthanasia still looking for a home after 500 days in shelter

Buddy was given up by his owner, who asked that the dog be euthanized. Fortunately, the vets saved his life, however, 500 days later, Buddy still hasn’t found a new home. Hopefully this beautiful dog will finally be adopted soon! It is still heartbreaking to see pets abandoned by their owners. This is a sad… Continue reading Unwanted dog spared from euthanasia still looking for a home after 500 days in shelter

A brave woman rescues a dog that was abandoned and tied to a window

Dogs are creatures that depend on us for survival and need our love, attention and respect; they require food and water, but they also need exercise, companionship and the opportunity to run free almost as much. Although we wish we didn’t have to share the story of Hope, the beautiful St. Bernard, the reality is… Continue reading A brave woman rescues a dog that was abandoned and tied to a window

Coronel was left by his family when he was sick, they rescued him and now he lives as a king

It was when Coronel needed them the most because of his TVT (Transmissible Venereal Tumor) disease that they abandoned him on the street and never reached out to him again. He kept hoping that his family would love him again, but no, his health declined each time, until a Foundation reached out to him, saved… Continue reading Coronel was left by his family when he was sick, they rescued him and now he lives as a king

I found him in a cemetery, emaciated, exhausted, dehydrated and barely breathing | Animals

In a cemetery, I found Mau, a two-year-old dog. He was so thin that he looked almost like a skeleton. Also, he was tired, thirsty and his breathing was so shallow that he was helpless on the side of the road. Many people were passing him, but no one cared because they thought he was… Continue reading I found him in a cemetery, emaciated, exhausted, dehydrated and barely breathing | Animals

Vet Saves Chocolate Lab Puppy No Bigger Than Chocolate Milkshake From Euthanasia And Then Adopts It

This puppy was one of 9 babies that were bred by C-section from a chocolate labrador. The owners, however, made the decision to euthanize him when they learned he had a cleft palate. Even though the puppies with a cleft palate may not have the best prognosis, a veterinary technician was willing to give them… Continue reading Vet Saves Chocolate Lab Puppy No Bigger Than Chocolate Milkshake From Euthanasia And Then Adopts It